QUESTION: Our agency had representatives that attended the very informative Financial Management Professional Interest Section break-out session on February 20th that featured a presentation from HP on ICD-10. Because it was stated that HP cannot provide outside resource recommendations to providers, we would like to know if any other agencies have resources for the ICD-9 to ICD-10 conversion codes. Our agency came across a web site, where if you entered in current ICD-9 codes, it would give you the conversion code for ICD-10. The web site is This information is a compilation of suggestions, ideas, and opinions shared by INARF Members in response to the featured question. This information should not be considered official interpretation or guidance of State or Federal Policy. Additionally, statements within this document do not necessarily reflect an official position or opinion of INARF.
Our agency came across a web site, where if you entered in current ICD-9 codes, it would give you the conversion code for ICD-10. The web site is