QUESTION: What are other providers doing in relationship to restarting transportation? What other ideas do you have outside of 50% of the riders and must wear a mask? We are now operating 100% of our Day Service routes, and Community Employment transportation. We are not operating CSP outside the facility or PAC. All passengers and all drivers must wear a mask at all times, and all vehicles are disinfected every day. We kept public transit going through the entire pandemic. We did build a shield around the driver’s seat but that’s it. We do rigorous cleaning of the vehicle, using quat stat on surfaces. We haven't stopped. Ridership was low at the height of the pandemic, but we continued to provide services, not denying rides. We put a notice regarding this in the paper and social media. All must wear a mask. We put in vinyl screens between the driver and passengers. All are required to sanitize hands. We regularly clean buses after passenger drop off. If we are transporting for a group home, we transport only the group home, unless the clients are in the same classroom at day services. We’re not doing anything more beyond what’s listed below. That being said, we only offer transportation to people we serve in our residential and day-hab programs. All of our services are one to one, so we do not provide group transportation. Our transportation policy states that drivers and riders must wear a mask and the rider sits in the passenger back seat to provide social distancing and the car must be sanitized in between rides. We provide the sanitization materials. This information is a compilation of suggestions, ideas, and opinions shared by INARF Members in response to the featured question. This information should not be considered official interpretation or guidance of State or Federal Policy. Additionally, statements within this document do not necessarily reflect an official position or opinion of INARF.
QUESTION: What are other providers doing in relationship to restarting transportation? What other ideas do you have outside of 50% of the riders and must wear a mask?