Dear Vocational Rehabilitation Service Provider: A couple of weeks ago, CSAVR sent out a survey link to assess the extent to which vocational rehabilitation (VR) service providers at a national level are experiencing a decrease in service capacity, the reasons for this decrease, and potential solutions to address reduced capacity. This survey will close on May 27th, so this is a reminder to please ask your service providers to complete the survey if you have not already. Here is the link: CSAVR Provider Capacity Survey This survey is anonymous and will be recorded without any identifying information (unless you choose to include this information). The survey was developed to be taken by the leadership of service provider agencies but can be taken by others within the organization if these individuals have knowledge of the capacity of the organization to serve individuals with disabilities referred by the public VR program.
Dear Vocational Rehabilitation Service Provider:
A couple of weeks ago, CSAVR sent out a survey link to assess the extent to which vocational rehabilitation (VR) service providers at a national level are experiencing a decrease in service capacity, the reasons for this decrease, and potential solutions to address reduced capacity. This survey will close on May 27th, so this is a reminder to please ask your service providers to complete the survey if you have not already. Here is the link:
CSAVR Provider Capacity Survey
This survey is anonymous and will be recorded without any identifying information (unless you choose to include this information). The survey was developed to be taken by the leadership of service provider agencies but can be taken by others within the organization if these individuals have knowledge of the capacity of the organization to serve individuals with disabilities referred by the public VR program.